Empire Heat Paintballs are the most familiar and popular entry level paint in the world. Its superb quality and consistent fill makes it the perfect choice for the paintball newcomer or cost-conscious player. Put these paintballs in your marker and see if the opposition can withstand the Heat.
There is NO WARRANTY expressed or implied on paintballs of any type or brand.
There are NO Returns on any paintballs of any type or brand.
We inspect all paintballs and make sure they are in perfect condition before they are shipped.
Please realize that a few balls may be broken in transit. It happens from time to time. Paintballs are somewhat fragile and if some of them broke during the shipping process, that just means that a few of them just couldn't handle the trip.
It's very easy to clean the balls off yourself should a few break in shipping.Here are instructions on how to clean paintballs. Keep in mind that paintballs are not "squeaky" clean. Paintballs will always have a "slick", oily feel to them. So even after you wipe them down, they will have a residue on them.
1. Find the broken balls and throw them out. It could just be a leaky seam so look carefully for them.
2. Get large clean old towel.
3. Lay the old towel out on the floor or flat surface and carefully pour half of the bag of paintballs with the broken paint out on the towel and corral them together on the towel.
4. Take a corner of the towel and place it on the corralled paintballs. Apply light pressure and move the paintballs around in a circular motion.
5. Work on a small section of paintballs at a time. Carefully clean them to the point that there is no more visible paint on them. Removed cleaned paintballs to a clean plastic zip-lock bag.
6. Continue to pour paintballs on the towel and repeat the process, using another side of the towel you did not use previously.
7. When you are done, put all the balls in a clean plastic zip-lock bag. Push air out of the zip-lock bag and zip the bag secure. Now you have cleaned away any broken paint from your paintballs and are ready to play.
Chris Kudler
At DimensionPB.com we hope that we can fulfill all of your paintball and airsoft needs.
As we continue to grow and expand our inventory of products we hope that your expectations are being met or exceeded at all times. Should there be a item that you do not see on our website that you want to purchase, please contact us directly and we will make every effort on our end to get the item so that we can earn your business.